The Perl Conference 2018


Wondering where the rooms are? Check out the floor plan

Monday, June 18

Ballroom A Ballroom B Ballroom C Idaho Sinclair
8:00 am Breakfast (1 hour)
Ballroom Reception Area
Registration (10 hours, 30 minutes)
9:00 am Welcome (30 minutes)
Lena Hand
Grand Ballroom
9:30 am TPF Welcome (30 minutes)
Jim Brandt
Grand Ballroom
10:00 am States of the Velociraptors (40 minutes)
Lena Hand
Grand Ballroom
10:40 am Refreshments Break (20 minutes)
Ballroom Reception Area
11:00 am Importance of Ecosystem (60 minutes)
VM Brasseur
Grand Ballroom
12:00 pm Lunch (90 minutes)
1:30 pm Ambient Information or: My desk has 80k hits on YouTube (20 minutes)
Michael La Grasta
Testing the CPAN River Against the Perl 5 Core Distribution: Where Do We Stand? (20 minutes)
James Keenan
UNIVERSAL::Object – All your base class are belong to us (20 minutes)
Stevan Little
Building a Culture of Learning and Sharing (20 minutes)
Graham TerMarsch
2:00 pm Fun with robotics using Perl and LEGO® Mindstorms (50 minutes)
Travis Chase
Event-driven programming in Perl (50 minutes)
Charles McGarvey
Foswiki, And How To Redesign 20 Years Old Code (50 minutes)
Vadim Belman
Make Your Technical Hiring Process Suck at Least 20% Less (50 minutes)
Dave Rolsky
3:00 pm Building the Graphics of the DeLorean Digital Dash (50 minutes)
Michael Conrad
Taking Perl to Eleven with Higher-Order Functions (50 minutes)
David Golden
Modernizing Legacy Perl Serving Millions Daily (50 minutes)
Jeremy Zawodny
Discourse Without Drama (50 minutes)
Ruth Holloway
3:50 pm Refreshments Break (20 minutes)
Ballroom Reception Area
4:10 pm Raspberry Pi + Arduino + Perl 6 = Fewer Interruptions (50 minutes)
Sterling Hanenkamp
Dancer From Scratch (50 minutes)
Mickey Nasriachi
Introduction to Git for non-developers (50 minutes)
John Jacobs Anderson
You’re Not Wanted Here! (How design decisions can make your application discriminatory) (50 minutes)
Joelle Maslak
5:10 pm A Punch Card Ate My Program! (50 minutes)
Walt Mankowski
Making Dates Easy(er) in Perl (50 minutes)
Buddy Burden
Training Your Inner Cowboy (50 minutes)
Jan Samborski
Care and Feeding of your User Group (50 minutes)
Dave Jacoby
6:00 pm Welcome Reception and Mixer (90 minutes)
Ballroom Reception Area

Tuesday, June 19

Ballroom A Ballroom B Ballroom C Idaho Wyoming Sinclair
8:00 am Breakfast (1 hour)
Ballroom Reception Area
8:30 am Registration (5 hours, 30 minutes)
9:00 am Perl 6 and the Emergent Program.* (50 minutes)
Bruce Gray
Learning XS by example (50 minutes)
Nicolas Rochelemagne
Auto-Parallel Programming On The Cloud (50 minutes)
Will ‘the Chill’ Braswell
Hands on with RegEx (50 minutes)
Kyle Waters
9:50 am Refreshments Break (20 minutes)
Ballroom Reception Area
10:10 am Promises and More in Perl 6 (50 minutes)
Will Coleda
Writing Testable Code (50 minutes)
Scott Lee
Abstraction, Encapsulation, Polymorphism, and Inheritance — The problems we solve with them, the problems they create, and how we achieve them with Perl (50 minutes)
David Oswald
Making Sense of Regular Expressions (50 minutes)
Deven Corzine
11:10 am Reduce, Reuse, Recycle – Parsing in Perl 6 (50 minutes)
Jeffrey Goff
TestML – DDT n P5/6 & ↗ (50 minutes)
Ingy döt Net
Perl Optimization Tidbits (50 minutes)
Daina Pettit
Regexp Mini-Tutorial: Grouping, Referencing, Capturing and Rules (50 minutes)
12:00 pm Lunch (90 minutes) Native & Inline & RPerl (90 minutes)
Will ‘the Chill’ Braswell
TPF Fundraising BoF (90 minutes)
Dan Wright
1:30 pm Better testing with Test2-Suite (50 minutes)
Chad Granum
You got chocolate in my peanut butter! .NET on Mac & Linux (50 minutes)
John Jacobs Anderson
Red Wunz Go Fasta (50 minutes)
Graham TerMarsch
2:30 pm Fatpack it! Full featured Perl apps in a single file (20 minutes)
Andrew Rodland
TPF Grant programs (20 minutes)
Will Coleda
3:00 pm Gazing into the Camel’s Navel – a MOP without the Class (20 minutes)
Stevan Little
Writing Effective Benchmarks (20 minutes)
Steven Lembark
How to join CPAN Pull Request Challenge (20 minutes)
Kivanc Yazan
Relaunching the first 6 months (20 minutes)
David Farrell
3:20 pm Refreshments Break (20 minutes)
Ballroom Reception Area
Registration (20 minutes)
3:40 pm Lightning Talks (90 minutes)
R Geoffrey Avery
Grand Ballroom
5:30 pm Registration (60 minutes)
7:00 pm Dessert and Drinks (5 hours)
Grand Ballroom
Bad Movie Night (5 hours)
David H. Adler
7:30 pm Climbing Gym BOF (3 hours)
Dave Rolsky


Wednesday, June 20

Ballroom A Ballroom B Ballroom C Arizona Idaho Sinclair
8:00 am Breakfast (1 hour)
Ballroom Reception Area
8:30 am Registration (60 minutes)
9:00 am Turning Updates into an Infosec Weapon (50 minutes)
Seth Johnson
In depth testing with Test::Deep (50 minutes)
Mark Horstmeier
Perl Quiz III (50 minutes)
Daina Pettit
9:50 am Refreshments Break (20 minutes)
Ballroom Reception Area
10:10 am Linux initramfs for fun, and, uh… (50 minutes)
David Hand
Test2::Harness – Super charge your test runs (50 minutes)
Chad Granum
Perl and MongoDB: A Recipe for Success (50 minutes)
Nate Handy
11:10 am Orchestrating For Your Architecture: Using Ansible and other devops tools to get things done (50 minutes)
Gabriel Muñoz
Having a Meta-Adventure: Metadata-driven testing of Advent (50 minutes)
Steven Lembark
A static site generator should be your next language learning project (20 minutes)
John Jacobs Anderson
11:40 am Dist::Zilla and My Bundle (20 minutes)
Dave Rolsky
Registration (30 minutes)
12:00 pm Lunch (90 minutes)
1:00 pm Registration (40 minutes)
1:30 pm Perl 5.28 and Beyond (50 minutes)
Sawyer X
Grand Ballroom
2:20 pm The State of the CPAN Butterfly Plan (50 minutes)
Elizabeth Mattijsen
Grand Ballroom
3:10 pm Refreshments Break (20 minutes)
Ballroom Reception Area
3:30 pm Plenary (60 minutes)
Larry Wall
Grand Ballroom
4:30 pm Lightning Talks (60 minutes)
R Geoffrey Avery
Grand Ballroom
5:30 pm Farewell (30 minutes)
Dan Wright
Grand Ballroom
Registration (60 minutes)
7:00 pm CPAN Pull Request Challenge (3 hours)
Kivanc Yazan
Origami Workshop (3 hours)
Jeffrey Goff