The Perl Conference 2018

Ambient Information or: My desk has 80k hits on YouTube

Michael La Grasta | Mon, 6/18 at 1:30 pm | 20 minutes | Ballroom A

The exponential growth of data collection is on a collision course with the demands of the attention economy. Making information available with zero effort and minimal distraction help us all. This is the goal of ambient information devices and Perl is uniquely well suited to this. This talk will introduce the concept of ambient information and demonstrate easily created devices including the “DeskLights” project previously featured in multiple Maker Faires and STEM exhibits. The desk was briefly mentioned in my 2016 Lightning Talk and generated a lot of interest. This talk should appeal to people of all technical levels and will progress from idea to prototype to coding to refinement over years of use.

Audience: Everyone
Track: Fun with Perl